We have done our best to make changing the lenses on the ski goggles as comfortable and quick as possible. That's why R2 AVALANCHE glasses are provided with MAGNETIC X-CHANGE technology. The name hides an innovative magnetic lens mounting system, so it's very easy to take the glass out of the frame. In a few seconds, you will be able to react to the unstable weather that prevails on the mountain plains, and it doesn't matter if you run down the slope in fresh powder or crush the velvet. You will see all the terrain perfectly. In addition to magnets, we have equipped the lenses with SHARP EYE and ICE VISION technologies, which brings perfectly clean optics without the chance of icing and zero distortion of objects. And fogging when the terrain makes you sweat a lot? No worries. A large part of our new ski goggles combine active and passive elements of ventilation, so the air flowing through the frame does not give the dew a chance.
100% UV
The durability of the googles is guaranteed by proven safety according to the CE EN 174: 2001 standard
R2 microfiber pouch FREE
Lens material
Nárazuvzdorný polykarbonát IMPACT PROTECTION
Spare lens colour
hnědá BRONZE
Lens surface
We garantee proved safety.
Technology at which is an invisible layer of nanoparticles applied to the inner lens and thereby preventing condensation of water vapor on the surface and so eliminating fogging. Using this technology maximizes the lifetime of goggles while maintaining high clarity of the lens.
Optically clear: We put emphasis on optical purity of lenses which has the greatest impact on the real vision. In cooperation with Italian manufacturers and in laboratory environment are produced lenses of the highest quality which eliminate image distortion and transmit the image in the highest quality possible. Integrated heat shield compensates for temperature differences in external and internal environment of goggles and thus greatly reduces the formation of ice on the lens and contributes to the high comfort of the use of our goggles.
Protiskluzový silikonový potisk na vnitřní straně pásku brýlí brání posunu po helmě a udrží brýle pevně na svém místě přesně tak, jak si je nasadíte.
All products are developed and designed in the Czech Republic
Compatible with optical insert for diopter lenses edging
Very soft and delicate POLAR foam, which is characterized by high stability thanks to the multi-core construction. The combination of the unique composition and the different density of each layer results in high impact resistance of the foam. provides a high level of comfort of use.
Zaoblený povrch zorníků je vytvořený válcovou plochou, která ovlivňuje dopad světelných paprskův kolmé rovině na brýle.Zpracování obrazu okem je tak mnohem jednodušší.aby nedocházelo ke zkreslení přenášeného obrazu, jsou zorníky SHARP EYE vybavené optickou korekcí, která zostřuje vidění a zvyšuje vnímání okolních objektů.
Visor covered with a special mirror layer. It significantly reduces the amount of light that enters your eyes by simply reflecting off a large part of it. Today, it is possible to have this mirror layer in all shades of the rainbow. In addition, Platinum mirror layer is abrasion resistant.
Velmi snadná změna sluneční čočky na čirou, jednoduchým bodovým magnetickým systémem.
Materiál použitý na výrobu zorníků je tvořen z názaruvzdorného polykarbonátu, vyvinutého spiciálně pro ochranu před hrubým poškožením. Zorníky jsou díky tomu dokonale bezpečné a zároveň lehčí až o 20% oproti běžným plastovým zorníkům.Bezpečnost zorníků R2 garantuje testování v akreditované laboratoři.